How To Lower Safety Score With The Department Of Transportation (DOT)

CSA(Compliance, Safety, Accountability) inspection is carried out by a DOT( Department of transportation) FMCSA inspector. These roadside inspections along with other data like crash reports and previous DOT audits or interventions collected over a period of 24 months allow for DOT enforcement.

ELD - Electronic Logging Device

Considering we have evolved to a digital world, it comes as no surprise to American truckers that paper logs are currently taking a turn towards digital logs. An ELD (electronic logging device), popularly known as an eLog, is the current technology being adopted by numerous truckers as well as truck companies. Although this new technology comes with several advantages, it also comes with some disadvantages. Below are some of the ELDs pros and cons:

ELDs, which are GPS enabled, keep a log of the time a driver has been driving, the speed they move, and the time they go through a weigh station or stop as they wait to load. Considering this, part of the paperwork that the driver had to fill in is removed helping both fleet owners and dispatchers trust the data received from the electronic devices. Additionally, it helps relieve drivers from falsifying logs and exceeding their driving hours.

Hours of service (HOS) are tracked easily
Considering the electronic gadget keeps a log of the time spent driving, rather than the drivers focusing on the time logs, they can pay attention to the hauled freight keeping their eyes on the road. In addition, much time is saved, as the drivers do not have to wait for the approval of their paperwork after offloading or picking a load.

Compliance checks are faster
ELDs make it easier and faster for enforcement officials to make sure that drivers adhere to rules thus quickly getting them back on the road.

Quicker and accurate paychecks
Since data is electronically sent, fleet operators can quickly process it and pay the drivers quicker as well. Moreover, given that the data provided by the devices are accurate, the time used to prepare paychecks caused by disputes decreases.

Ease of the truck driver’s families
Considering the electronic devices are GPS-enabled, families of the driver can log on a site to track the driver’s safety, and when he or she is expected back home.

Compared to paper logs, digital logs are costly to install and particularly in the case where compliance with the ELD mandate of a more massive fleet is involved. Besides, in the case where older trucks have to comply with the mandate, retrofitting becomes much more expensive.

Learning curve for Electronic Logging Devices
Due to technology’s involvement, the enforcement personnel, fleet operators, dispatchers, and most importantly professional drivers will have to go through a learning curve of the ELDs. Consequently, this means that much time and cost will have to be incurred during the process. Other than learning how these devices work, drivers will also be required to learn how to troubleshoot them in case an issue such as losing GPS connection arises.

Loss of privacy

Since the electric devices are GPS-enabled, drivers are highly likely to experience an invasion of their privacy considering that trips are monitored and logged by both fleet operators and the enforcement personnel. During their working hours, ELDs track their move within a mile’s radius and a 10-mile radius while off duty.

How To Be Successful As An Over The Road (OTR) Semi-Truck Driver

As an OTR semi-truck driver, living on the road becomes part of your life—it just goes without saying. However, not all drivers get the transient lifestyle effect, just the ones traveling outside their home-base range; long-haul OTR semi-truck drivers. Being the case, living on the road comes together with its own set of challenges. A good way to summarize the challenges semi-truck drivers have to go through over the road is the challenge of keeping up their life’s balance. There are numerous things these drivers try fitting in their lives, businesswise and personally. They have to fit in their leisure activities, exercises, time with their families, and the long hours they have to spend on the road to complete the required job. In short, a semi-truck driver’s life over the road can be a huge act of balance.

With that in mind, here are a few ways that an OTR semi-truck driver can be successful:

Maintaining a Schedule Regularly
Considering the job can demand close to 18-20 hours a day for an OTR driver, a big advantage brought forth by the ELDs is promoting the driver’s quality of life over the road. If properly used by the driver, he or she can rather enjoy a relaxed road schedule. The semi-truck driver can attempt to match their routines closer to their home schedule, or as close to normal as possible. He or she can keep a regular sleeping schedule, meal, some leisure time, and exercise on every possible occasion. While off duty, he or she can try keeping up with the regular schedule they made.

Planning a Trip
As an OTR semi-truck driver, it is advisable to do some planning, before embarking on any trip. Before dispatch even allocates you with a load, you should look at the distance of the trip, and schedule expected delivery. By so doing, you can work on some calculations such as the time it will take you driving, sleeping time, meal and fuel stops, as well as any other unexpected delays, to ensure that you have more than enough time to make the expected delivery. In the case, the schedule appears to be reasonable enough; you can then accept the load. In case it appears unreasonable, endure that any issues with the delivery schedule are addressed immediately given that logging in the trip legally is essential.

After reviewing the delivery schedule and you find it satisfactory, make sure that you plan for sleep and meal spots, and check the route’s weather as well. On addressing all these things, you can be sure that the trip will go smoothly thus relieving you of any stress beforehand.

Long Haul Trucking

OTR trucking has an advantage when it comes to jobs entailing short haul driving. In such cases, the time taken to load packages is shorter, and the incomes more since OTR semi-truck drivers are usually paid per each mile. However, this is not the case when it comes to long-haul trucking. However, as mentioned earlier on, it is essential that long-haul OTR semi-truck drivers come up with a balance in their day-to-day routines. 

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How To Exercise On The Road/In The Truck

The United States Labour Department recently conducted a study and found that the largest occupations in the country were truck drivers, who account for approximately 3.2 million people. In just about every form of commerce, truck drivers play a significant role, from delivering mail to packages and food, to trucks and cars. Truck drivers, and especially the long haul ones, spend much time in trucks, spending close to 11-12 hours on the road each day. Being the case, exercising on the road or in the truck can be a good break; one that can yield fruitful results physically. Below are some exercises a truck driver can easily do while or the road or in their trucks:

Hand Stretch
Considering the time truckers spend steering across the nation or around and within towns, their hands, and fingers may begin feeling painful or stiff to move once they are off the road. As such, using hand stretches can help you decrease the pain as well as reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritis. During heavy traffic, you can circularly rotate your wrist; either to your right or left. Additionally, by the fingertips of one hand on top of the steering wheel, you can easily stretch your wrist. By pressing your weight gently into your hand and holding for a minute or so, you can stretch your hand and do so with the other hand as well.

Abdominal Crunch
While you are on the road, you can also build up your abdominals. You can do so by squeezing the muscles of your abdominals and holding them for some time. For instance, hold the muscles for an entire news report or song duration. Optionally, in the case you are unable to do so for that long, you can purpose to squeeze your abdominal muscles for approximately a minute or two. You can do this repeatedly while at a red light or each song that plays on the radio.

Plank exercises can be easily done with drivers whose trucks have a sleeper cabin during their break. Through this exercises, you can make your back stronger by strengthening you are not only your core muscle but also your leg and arm muscles. Anywhere you can find some space; you can begin this exercise by getting on your knees and hands. With your palms in a downwards position since your hands and forearms are on the ground, you can kick your legs backward so that your toes receive all your weight. A straight line ought to be maintained by your body while you hold the position for at least a minute or two.  

Shoulder Shrugs
Through the shoulder shrug exercise, your body can be relieved of the tension and stress from the area of your shoulders. You can easily do this while in traffic, or during your dinner or lunch break. For this exercise, lift up your shoulders in a manner suggesting the ‘I do not know’ body language. Hold your shoulders up for a minute or two then back down and perform it repeatedly as you drive or whenever you feel some stress or tension.  

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