Did You Know That There Are Different Types of Shipping Software?

There are many different types of shipping software that can affect Warehouse, Logistics, Buyers, Sales, Accounting.

The Difference Between SAAS and the Traditional On-Premise Software?

Depending on your needs, the SaaS model provides more flexibility.  You pay for what you need, often differentiating needs through different levels of capacity offerings. In general,
SaaS payment models have a monthly or annual fee for licensing the product.

Why Your Business Needs a TMS

A transport management system allows businesses to move the product cost-effectively and efficiently to the destination. A good TMS will enable you to ship your cargo across all modes and
manage any shape or size of the cargo.

Does Your Shipping Solution Tell you When You're Leaving Money On The Table?

The only value-added feature that shipping software brings to you should not be automation

4 Things Every Company can do to Lower International Freight Costs

International shipping and logistics have been significantly affected by the emergence of
e-commerce and other trends over the past decade. Now, consumers and businesses can partner
with and receive merchandise from suppliers from every corner of the globe. Whether shipments
are travelling through the water or through the air, one consideration remains the same: cost.
International shipments can be expensive, but fortunately some tactics can be used by any business
to help reduce the financial burden.

3 things managers hate about transport & logistics - and how to avoid them

Each industry has its fair share of points of pain. However, an inability to address these challenges in the shipping and logistics sector can translate into severe supply chain disruptions and lead to significantly unhappy customers. Let's look at the elements that managers simply can't stand, and the best ways to sideline these issues and put the organisation back on the road to success:

The Future of Transportation Management Systems

Transportation, shipping, and logistics management should always be treated as a priority as one of the most important processes in the supply chain. At the same time, this can be one of the company's most expensive, complex and time-consuming pursuits.

Why you should be shopping your freight rates

All kinds of different factors can have an impact on freight rates, and while a particular load may have cost a certain amount for a week, the following week this could have changed considerably. Moreover, using one shipping mode versus another could be more cost-effective. 

How manual shipping processes are costing your company time & money

Pen-and-paper-based processes are left behind across all industries, giving employees more time to pursue important, mission-critical pursuits. Why shouldn't the same improvement in your shipping and logistics processes? To undertake these processes manually, it consumes considerable time and financial resources-perhaps more than you realize.

What's on the horizon for shipping and logistics in 2019?

It is imperative to keep up with the latest trends and emerging technologies, regardless of what industry providers operate within. Implementing new systems, software, and internal business approaches can be the only thing that enables an organization to stand out in its marketplace and gain a competitive edge. On the other hand, failure to keep pace can create a dire situation where a company falls far behind its competition. Things aren't different in the shipping and logistics industry. Shippers and logistics managers need to be sure that their business is on the cutting edge and that they can meet the needs of senders and recipients throughout the spectrum.

How to Be The Leader in The Logistics Business?

Logistics business as we all know is the business of the tough ones and the rough one's. Those who don’t fear to loose get everything...