How manual shipping processes are costing your company time & money

Pen-and-paper-based processes are left behind across all industries, giving employees more time to pursue important, mission-critical pursuits. Why shouldn't the same improvement in your shipping and logistics processes? To undertake these processes manually, it consumes considerable time and financial resources-perhaps more than you realize.

Besides wasting time and leaving money with rate shopping on the table and using several disconnected platforms, the invoice auditing process is also to be considered. Although not the most exciting activity, auditing is crucial to ensure that no errors have been made, that duplicate or unnecessary charges have not been included and that all outstanding balances have been paid. Doing this by hand, however, can take more than twice as long as an automated solution, and also adds to the risk of missing something-including savings opportunities.
When it comes to switching between different windows, this time-consuming and inefficient process does not only pop up during shopping rates. Besides searching for carrier websites, your employees are also likely to waste time (and money, by extension) when they need to switch between your various internal software solutions to get the details necessary to support shipments. These are just a few places where manual shipping and logistics processes can waste time and money. The solution is to deploy an advanced transport management system that is easy to use and puts right at your fingertips all the necessary tools and information.


  1. Started at rd/mrg in 2018. Truck is now paid off! I will remain witht he company until I can afford my own MC and make my millions

  2. Good company lets me pick where I run and lets me negoiate rates

  3. Company driving is best option in my opinion, lotta deductions on other options but 30% of gross in new truck is good deal


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